Examples of Bad Websites

There are countless examples of embarrassing website designs and development out there. These are the latest examples we have discovered. For each site below we provide a brief analysis to assist you in avoiding the same pitfalls.

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This website is so beastly and atrocious that the death in the family is more than likely a heart attack by the webmaster. We are not really sure what the name of the company is because there is no logo and the url is a giant puzzle of words. Notice they do not sell patterns.

The order form consists of a page that you must print and mail in with your payment. You will have to do some research to find the product you want and then you have to double the price and the shipping because they are just too busy to do that for you. Businesses can expand their customer base by selling products online, however in this case they would be better off selling door to door. Notice they do not sell patterns.

There is no navigation on this site at all and every page is different. We discover new pages every time we are there and each one is shockingly dreadful. One more thing we should mention, they do not sell patterns.

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Houston Jewelry

Houston Jewelry has been in business for over a century and judging by their store, they have been very successful. If we judge them by their website, they are a complete and utter failure. If your love for the Better Business Bureau makes your heart go pitter-patter to the point that you must feature them above your own company logo - then for the love of Pete, create a decent version of their logo that matches the background of your website. All of the design elements on this page are floating in space with no anchor or connection to anything else. There is no color contrast to hold the elements together. The secondary pages look like they were thrown together. The menu changes from page to page and at times the links are unreadable. The one call to action (contact form), doesn't even identify the website and is simply a blank page with form fields. Over 3 1/2 years after this posting, Houston Jewelry has finally replaced their website.  Good job, Freddy.
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It took us a few minutes but we have determined that this is indeed an ecommerce website. However, buying something from them would require some fortitude. The website is inconsistent in look and feel, which is a bad thing when you want visitors to buy things from your website. It is akin to giving $500 to a homeless man smelling like Cold Duck and expecting him to give you a brand new Swiss Army knife.

There are numerous examples of images that look like links and links that aren't links. The visitors to your site should be able to navigate and use your website after just a few seconds. If you keep moving elements or navigation, the smart users will leave. Shopping on the web is all about confidence and trust. If your customers are worried about the walls of the store falling down, they are not likely to spend an hour browsing your products.

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Sherwood, Logan & Associates, Inc

This wholesale plumbing website looks like it was done by a plumber in his mom's basement. This company is trying to convince their visitors that they should buy plumbing equipment from a company that doesn't care enough about their own company to present an acceptable image of itself. It's like a 300lb man showing up for a job interview in nothing but a wife beater and a g-string.

There is no branding, yet they felt the need to include an animated bar of color that serves no purpose. Next we have a list of items that look like a menu. They aren't. Most of the sub-pages feature incredible animated artwork including money going into a toilet.

Sherwood-Logan & Associates, Inc. has been in the wholesale plumbing business for 31 years and their website is related to the products that they sell - something that came out of the toilet.

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Jarke Corporation

Jarke's website is a colorful piece of crap resembling gaudy Victorian wallpaper. The logo looks more like an 80's hair band than a legitimate company selling industrial storage systems. The entire site is plagued by animated gifs. Seriously folks, the cheap animations are not fooling anyone. They are not cute and they make websites look like a bad porn site. If your website is representing a professional company, then the website should damn well look professional.

The information request page is a mess with fields all over the page. If you do not make an effort to make your forms attractive and easy to use, your users will not use them.

We will give them some credit for the kangaroo fact page because it is sooo cute and adorable, complete with more badly drawn kangaroos. We have never talked to a kangaroo, but would be willing to bet a pint of piss (Australian for beer) that a kangaroo would not endorse this website of its own volition.

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